1. What happens when I record past recording limit?
Recording stops once the video reaches its limit. Your recording will be automatically saved to ‘LIBRARY’.
2. Is there a limit to how long I can record?
You can record unlimited videos for a duration of 5 min/video in a free plan and 2 hours/video in premium plans.
3. How long does a video take to process?
The video processing time depends on the length or size of the video. In most of the cases where there is a decent bandwidth the video processing time is just a few seconds. In case your internet fluctuates while recording you might face an error, and the video may not be recorded.
4. Will I lose the recorded videos after the trial version ends?
Regardless of the trial period or plan you choose, your data will not be deleted unless you delete it on your own. Videos will be available in your library, even after your trial ends.
5. How to record high-quality videos?
The highest resolution we offer is 1080p. In case you're working on the Free plan you have an option choosing the resolution between 480p & 720p.
6. How do I remove the branding that appear at the end of videos?
It depends on the plan you have chosen. In PREMIUM plans, all your recordings are free from branding. In the FREE plan, end card will be automatically added to all your videos.
7. How do I record a single tab or an application?
After you click on record, select ‘Application Window’ in the pop-up. Choose the tab/window you’d like to record and click Share. Alternatively, you can click on the Hippo Video extension and choose ‘CURRENT TAB’. The tab from which you opened the extension is taken as current tab.
8. Will I lose my data if the internet failed while recording?
No. The video will continue to record until you terminate the recording, even after internet connection is lost. For any queries contact us at support@hippovideo.io
9. Is it possible to Enable/Disable my webcam while recording?
Yes. It is applicable only for Rectangle shape selection. To enable/disable the webcam option: A. Click on Hippo Video Chrome Extension. B. Then, click on Advanced Settings at the bottom of the widget. C. Below the ‘Webcam Settings’ label, check/uncheck the Make my webcam visible while recording box.
10. Can I resize my webcam after recording?
Yes. It is applicable only for Rectangle shape selection. To resize the webcam:A. Below the Video Preview, click on Edit & Personalize button > Pro Edit.B. Click on Webcam track and then click on the webcam in the video.C. Drag & drop anywhere inside the video. You’ll notice the duplication of webcam.D. Select the duplicate webcam and resize it accordingly.E. Then, again move to the current webcam position. Note: The purpose of the separate webcam track is to resize it.
11. Can I change my webcam position after recording?
Yes. It is applicable only for Rectangle shape but make sure that the Make my webcam visible while recording box is disabled below the Webcam Settings while recording. To change the webcam position and resize it:A. Below the Video Preview, click on Edit & Personalize button > Pro Edit.B. Click on Webcam track and then click on the webcam in the video.C. Drag & drop anywhere inside the video.D. Now, you can change the webcam position and resize it accordingly. Note: The purpose of the separate webcam track is to move the webcam position and resize it accordingly.